Clean soled sneakers, ballet slippers or socks and comfortable clothing for dancer and caregiver.
Black and white high top Converse sneakers (no Velcro) and comfortable clothing.
Turners or dance socks and comfortable form fitting athletic/dance attire.
Beige jazz shoes and comfortable clothes.
Clean soled shoes and comfortable clothing.
Shorts, shirt and beige jazz shoes.
Light pink ballet slippers or dance socks, black leotard, and light pink tights. If preferred, form fitting shorts.
Beige jazz shoes and comfortable clothing.
Black hip hop sneakers, contact director for specifications and workout clothing.
Turners and comfortable form fitting athletic/dance attire.
Turners and comfortable form fitting athletic/dance attire.
Jazz shoes and comfortable form fitting athletic/dance attire.
Jazz shoes and comfortable form fitting athletic/dance attire.
Comfortable Clothing and clean soled shoes.
Comfortable Clothing and clean soled shoes.